Table of Content¶
CL_TEMPLATE is targeted to help customers create a new CustomLogic example. Developers can update the design, verification, and build flow to meet their needs without having to tear down a separate example. We recommend going through other CL examples before creating a new CL.
All of the design files and tests can be compiled, simulated, built, and deployed on hardware (without any modifications). Developers can add/update design files, add new verification tests, and create new build directives to meet their needs.
To quickly add in design files and test:
from the top of$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/
cd hdk/cl/examples
and./ --new_cl_name <NAME OF NEW CL>
andexport CL_DIR=$PWD
Place all design files into
(overwriting the existing <CL_NAME>.sv file)Simulate with
cd $CL_DIR/verif/scripts and make <CL_NAME>_base_test <SIMULATOR>=1
CL_TEMPLATE contains the minimum required set of design files. All examples require a SystemVerilog file (.sv) named after the CL example and a Verilog header file (.vh) with required defines.
⚠️ cl_id_defines.vh
is used in the design manifest file generation.
Therefore, this file is required for all CL designs. with the following:
CL port connections with signal tie downs to avoid simulation errors
SH_DDR (change
to elaborate the DDR interface)CL_SH_ID0
connections (see the defines below)
cl_id_defines.vh with the following defines:
CL_TEMPLATE_defines.vh with the following defines:
See for details
Customers can add all other design files and replace these default files with their own.
All examples use the same SystemVerilog test bench. The common verification files can be found under AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif. This includes a common Makefile flow that expects a Makefile.tests file that exposes Makefile targets for each test located under $CL_DIR/verif/tests.
This CL_TEMPLATE example includes a single base test that will allow all files to be compiled, elaborated, and quickly simulated to expose any protocol violations. A top.SIMULATOR.f file is required for each simulator in use. These file lists are auto generated by default (including all SystemVerilog source files found under the ./design directory). Manual updates are required for design files or verification infrastructure developed outside of the design or verif directories. Each example builds on top of the common file lists.
Required script files:
waves.tcl (for XSIM only)
For more information on test bench architecture and functionality:
Base testbench: $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/tb/sv/
Basic shell DPI tasks: $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/include/sh_dpi_tasks.svh
Accessible from the
hierarchy (tb.poke_ocl(.addr(64'h100), .data(32'h0)
Basic test tasks: $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/include/common_base_test.svh
The base test uses
Required config files for HBM simulation (not supported in XSIM): $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/include/xpm_*
Co-Simulation with C tests is not yet supported.
CL_TEMPLATE does not yet support stand alone software tests. Please refer to other examples such as CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA
The build flow is identical to all other examples:
Populate the constraint files as needed
Update synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl with relevant IP’s, constraints, etc.
Run --help
for more details.
See the following tcl
scripts for more details on the build flow
(they are sourced in
Required build scripts: (symlink) - Python script to run builds
build_all.tcl (symlink) - Common build script used across examples
build_level_1_cl.tcl (symlink) - Common build script used across examples
encrypt.tcl (symlink) - Common build script used across examples to encrypt design files
synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl - Refer to STEP 5: Build and Deploy the Design below for more information.
AWS has integrated basic constraints required across example designs. These constraint files can be found in $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/shell_stable/build/constraints
Required constraint files:
cl_synth_user.xdc - Custom constraints applied to the synthesizer (called in synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl)
cl_timing_user.xdc - Custom timing constraints applied to the synthesizer (called in synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl)
small_shell_cl_pnr_user.xdc - Floorplan constraints for the CL design when building with SMALL_SHELL. See CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA’s constraints for reference.
xdma_shell_cl_pnr_user.xdc - Floorplan constraints for the CL design when building with XDMA_SHELL. See CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA’s constraints for reference.
For more information on how to populate the constraint files and build scripts, please refer to other examples such as CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA.
CL_TEMPLATE Quick Start Guide¶
The HDK top level Quick Start Guide will provide an introduction to this guide.
STEP 1: Create a New CL¶
The first step is to copy this example into a new directory and replace all
references to CL_TEMPLATE with the new example name. To automatically create
your own example, run from the
# CL names are typically all lowercase
export NEW_CL_NAME='<new cl name>'
cd $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/cl/examples
./ --new_cl_name ${NEW_CL_NAME}
Or run these shell commands
export NEW_CL_NAME='<new cl name>'
# Everything below can be copied and pasted into a bash terminal
echo "Creating $CL_TEMPLATE directory"
echo "Replacing CL_TEMPLATE with $CL_TEMPLATE in all files"
grep -rl $CL_TEMPLATE $NEW_CL_NAME | xargs sed -i "s/$CL_TEMPLATE/$NEW_CL_NAME/g"
echo "Updating CL_TEMPLATE with $CL_TEMPLATE in all file names"
CL_TEMPLATE=$CL_TEMPLATE NEW_CL_NAME=$NEW_CL_NAME find $NEW_CL_NAME -name "*$CL_TEMPLATE*" -exec sh -c 'mv "$0" "${$0/$CL_TEMPLATE/$NEW_CL_NAME}"' {} \;
The result will be a directory containing everything in CL_TEMPLATE (renamed to the new CL name) with functional tools and scripts. Please note that these files need to be manually updated to include any design specific changes.
STEP 2: Add Design Files¶
All CL design files should be placed under the design directory. Please see the Design section for information on the CL_TEMPLATE design files.
Users may modify these files and add new ones as their designs grow. Xilinx IP’s are available to all CL examples (found under $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/ip).
STEP 3: Develop Design Verification Tests (OPTIONAL)¶
Once design files have been added, run the CL_TEMPLATE_base_test. This test only powers up the test bench to make sure the design can be compiled and simulated. All tests should be located under $CL_DIR/verif/tests and test targets added to Makefile.tests:
cd $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/cl/examples/CL_TEMPLATE
export CL_DIR=$(pwd)
cd ${CL_DIR}/verif/scripts
make CL_TEMPLATE_base_test
Or specify an available simulator:
make CL_TEMPLATE_base_test <SIMULATOR>=1
This will first generate and compile the simulation libraries required for the
requested SIMULATOR. Test results will be stored in the
directory (created upon first simulation
run). After adding new IP’s to
$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/ip, the simulation
libraries need to be recompiled: make regenerate_sim_libs <SIMULATOR>=1
File List Generation¶
The Makefile includes $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/tb/scripts/
which runs a Python script to automatically update each top.<SIMULATOR>.f
file list with
all SystemVerilog files found under the $CL_DIR/design/
To disable the generation, run
.To re-enable the generation, run
.To generate the file list by itself, run
make generate_sim_file_list <SIMULATOR>=1
.To add additional files, add them outside of the auto generation section:
# Add code up here or below the comment block to persist between simulations
##### END AUTO-GENERATE ######
Xilinx/AMD IP Discovery and Compilation¶
When running your first test, all Xilinx IP’s under $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/ip/cl_ip are automatically compiled
You can find the
library for each simulator in $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/ip_simulation_libraries/ (created after first simulation run)
If a design adds new IP’s, make sure to add the new simulation libraries
$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/tb/scripts/ (this is required for XSIM and Questa simulations).
Simulation library names can be found under:
$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/ip/cl_ip/cl_ip.ip_user_files/sim_scripts followed by
All verification work is located under the verif directory. Please see the Verification section for the CL_TEMPLATE verification details.
STEP 4: Develop Software Tests (OPTIONAL)¶
CL_TEMPLATE does not yet support standalone software tests. Please refer to other examples such as CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA
STEP 5: Build and Deploy the Design¶
Once design files have been added and tested, constraint and build script updates need to be made. The build flow creates a bitstream that is used to create an AFI to deploy on hardware. The build and deployment flows can be found in the Quick Start Guide. Examples for all constraint files and build scripts can be found in other examples such as CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA.
Populate existing and/or add new constraint files to ./build/constraints
AWS has provided basic constraints required in example designs in $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/shell_stable/build/constraints
Update synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl with:
Additional constraint files to be applied during a build
Additional tcl scripts to synthesize the design
Xilinx IP’s utilized in the design
IP’s used in AWS example designs can uncommented be in synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl and found under $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/ip/cl_ip
If a design adds new IP’s, make sure to add the new
files to the build script $CL_DIR/build/scripts/synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl
Run All defaults can be found by running --help
cd $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/cl/examples/CL_TEMPLATE export CL_DIR=$(pwd) cd ${CL_DIR}/build/scripts ./ -c CL_TEMPLATEThe start of the log will provide build details:
================================================== Running CL builds ================================================== cl : cl_mem_perf mode : xdma_shell clock_recipe_a : A1 clock_recipe_b : B2 clock_recipe_c : C0 clock_recipe_hbm : H2 flow : BuildAll place_direct : SSI_ExtraTimingOpt phy_opt_direct : Explore route_direct : AggressiveExplore build_tag : None ================================================== vivado -mode batch -source build_all.tcl -log 04_06_2023-181511_build_all.log -tclargs SSI_ExtraTimingOpt Explore AggressiveExplore A1 B2 C0 H2
- The build will create 4 new subdirectories under ./build:
- encrypted design files
- design checkpoints (.dcp
) for each stage used by Vivado
- reports for each build stage
- CustomLogic bitstreams used for AFI creationBuilds with timing violations will have a suffix of
under thecheckpoints
directory. Details can be found under thereports
After a successful build, you can follow the AFI creation, loading, and testing instructions in the Hardware Development Kit (HDK) top level document.