CL_TEMPLATE =========== Table of Content ---------------- - `Overview <#overview>`__ - `Features <#features>`__ - `Design <#design>`__ - `Verification <#verification>`__ - `Software <#software>`__ - `Build <#Build>`__ - `CL Template Quick Start Guide <#cl_template-quick-start-guide>`__ Overview -------- CL_TEMPLATE is targeted to help customers create a new CustomLogic example. Developers can update the design, verification, and build flow to meet their needs without having to tear down a separate example. We recommend going through other CL examples before creating a new CL. All of the design files and tests can be compiled, simulated, built, and deployed on hardware (without any modifications). Developers can add/update design files, add new verification tests, and create new build directives to meet their needs. **To quickly add in design files and test:** 1. Run ``source`` from the top of ``$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/`` 2. Run ``cd hdk/cl/examples`` and ``./ --new_cl_name `` 3. Run ``cd `` and ``export CL_DIR=$PWD`` 4. Place all design files into ``$CL_DIR/design`` (overwriting the existing .sv file) 5. Simulate with ``cd $CL_DIR/verif/scripts and make _base_test =1`` Features -------- Design ~~~~~~ CL_TEMPLATE contains the minimum required set of design files. All examples require a SystemVerilog file (.sv) named after the CL example and a Verilog header file (.vh) with required defines. ⚠️ ``cl_id_defines.vh`` is used in the design manifest file generation. Therefore, this file is required for all CL designs. ` `__ with the following: - CL port connections with signal tie downs to avoid simulation errors - SH_DDR (change ``.EN_DDR(0)`` to ``.EN_DDR(1)`` to elaborate the DDR interface) - ``CL_SH_ID0`` and ``CL_SH_ID1`` connections (see the defines below) `cl_id_defines.vh `__ with the following defines: - ``CL_SH_ID0`` - ``CL_SH_ID1`` `CL_TEMPLATE_defines.vh `__ with the following defines: - ``CL_NAME`` - See ` `__ for details Customers can add all other design files and replace these default files with their own. Verification ~~~~~~~~~~~~ All examples use the same SystemVerilog `test bench `__. The common verification files can be found under `AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif `__. This includes a `common Makefile flow `__ that expects a `Makefile.tests `__ file that exposes Makefile targets for each test located under `$CL_DIR/verif/tests `__. This CL_TEMPLATE example includes a single `base test `__ that will allow all files to be compiled, elaborated, and quickly simulated to expose any protocol violations. A `top.SIMULATOR.f `__ file is required for each simulator in use. These file lists are auto generated by default (including all SystemVerilog source files found under the `./design `__ directory). Manual updates are required for design files or verification infrastructure developed outside of the `design `__ or `verif `__ directories. Each example builds on top of the `common file lists `__. Required script files: - `Makefile `__ - `Makefile.tests `__ - `top.xsim.f `__ - `waves.tcl `__ (for XSIM only) - `top.vcs.f `__ - `top.questa.f `__ For more information on test bench architecture and functionality: - Base testbench: `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/tb/sv/ `__ - Basic shell DPI tasks: `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/include/sh_dpi_tasks.svh `__ - Accessible from the ``tb`` hierarchy (``tb.poke_ocl(.addr(64'h100), .data(32'h0)``) - Basic test tasks: `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/include/common_base_test.svh `__ - The `base test `__ uses ``report_pass_fail_status()`` - Required config files for HBM simulation (not supported in XSIM): `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/include/xpm\_\* `__ Co-Simulation with C tests is not yet supported. Software ~~~~~~~~ CL_TEMPLATE does not yet support stand alone software tests. Please refer to other examples such as `CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA `__ Build ~~~~~ The build flow is identical to all other examples: 1. Populate the `constraint files `__ as needed 2. Update `synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl `__ with relevant IP's, constraints, etc. 3. Run ` `__. - Run `` --help`` for more details. See the following ``tcl`` scripts for more details on the build flow (they are sourced in `synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl `__): - `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/shell_stable/build/scripts/synth_cl_header.tcl `__ - `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/shell_stable/build/scripts/synth_cl_footer.tcl `__ Required build scripts: - ` `__ (symlink) - Python script to run builds - `build_all.tcl `__ (symlink) - Common build script used across examples - `build_level_1_cl.tcl `__ (symlink) - Common build script used across examples - `encrypt.tcl `__ (symlink) - Common build script used across examples to encrypt design files - `synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl `__ - Refer to `STEP 5: Build and Deploy the Design <#step-5-build-and-deploy-the-design>`__ below for more information. AWS has integrated basic constraints required across example designs. These constraint files can be found in `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/shell_stable/build/constraints `__ Required constraint files: - `cl_synth_user.xdc `__ - Custom constraints applied to the synthesizer (called in `synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl `__) - `cl_timing_user.xdc `__ - Custom timing constraints applied to the synthesizer (called in `synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl `__) - `small_shell_cl_pnr_user.xdc `__ - Floorplan constraints for the CL design when building with SMALL_SHELL. See `CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA's constraints `__ for reference. - `xdma_shell_cl_pnr_user.xdc `__ - Floorplan constraints for the CL design when building with XDMA_SHELL. See `CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA's constraints `__ for reference. For more information on how to populate the constraint files and build scripts, please refer to other examples such as `CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA `__. CL_TEMPLATE Quick Start Guide ----------------------------- The HDK top level `Quick Start Guide <./../../../README.html#getting-started>`__ will provide an introduction to this guide. STEP 1: Create a New CL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first step is to copy this example into a new directory and replace all references to CL_TEMPLATE with the new example name. To automatically create your own example, run ` `__ from the ``$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/cl/examples`` directory .. code:: bash # CL names are typically all lowercase export NEW_CL_NAME='' cd $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/cl/examples ./ --new_cl_name ${NEW_CL_NAME} Or run these shell commands .. code:: bash export NEW_CL_NAME='' # Everything below can be copied and pasted into a bash terminal CL_TEMPLATE=CL_TEMPLATE echo "Creating $CL_TEMPLATE directory" cp -r $CL_TEMPLATE $NEW_CL_NAME echo "Replacing CL_TEMPLATE with $CL_TEMPLATE in all files" grep -rl $CL_TEMPLATE $NEW_CL_NAME | xargs sed -i "s/$CL_TEMPLATE/$NEW_CL_NAME/g" echo "Updating CL_TEMPLATE with $CL_TEMPLATE in all file names" CL_TEMPLATE=$CL_TEMPLATE NEW_CL_NAME=$NEW_CL_NAME find $NEW_CL_NAME -name "*$CL_TEMPLATE*" -exec sh -c 'mv "$0" "${$0/$CL_TEMPLATE/$NEW_CL_NAME}"' {} \; The result will be a directory containing everything in CL_TEMPLATE (renamed to the new CL name) with functional tools and scripts. Please note that these files need to be manually updated to include any design specific changes. STEP 2: Add Design Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All CL design files should be placed under the `design <./design>`_ directory. Please see the `Design <#design>`__ section for information on the CL_TEMPLATE design files. Users may modify these files and add new ones as their designs grow. Xilinx IP's are available to all CL examples (found under `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/ip `__). STEP 3: Develop Design Verification Tests (OPTIONAL) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once design files have been added, run the `CL_TEMPLATE_base_test `__. This test only powers up the test bench to make sure the design can be compiled and simulated. All tests should be located under `$CL_DIR/verif/tests `__ and test targets added to `Makefile.tests `__: .. code:: bash cd $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/cl/examples/CL_TEMPLATE export CL_DIR=$(pwd) cd ${CL_DIR}/verif/scripts make CL_TEMPLATE_base_test Or specify an `available simulator <./../../../../User_Guide_AWS_EC2_FPGA_Development_Kit.html#hardware-development-kit-hdk>`__: .. code:: bash make CL_TEMPLATE_base_test =1 This will first generate and compile the simulation libraries required for the requested SIMULATOR. Test results will be stored in the ``$CL_DIR/verif/sim/`` directory (created upon first simulation run). After adding new IP's to `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/ip `__, the simulation libraries need to be recompiled: ``make regenerate_sim_libs =1``. File List Generation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Makefile includes ``$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/tb/scripts/`` which runs a Python script to automatically update each ``top..f`` file list with all SystemVerilog files found under the ``$CL_DIR/design/`` directory. - To disable the generation, run ``export DONT_GENERATE_FILE_LIST=1``. - To re-enable the generation, run ``unset DONT_GENERATE_FILE_LIST``. - To generate the file list by itself, run ``make generate_sim_file_list =1``. - To add additional files, add them outside of the auto generation section: .. code:: text # Add code up here or below the comment block to persist between simulations ############################## #### BEGIN AUTO-GENERATE ##### +incdir+$CL_DIR/design/ $CL_DIR/design/ ##### END AUTO-GENERATE ###### ############################## Xilinx/AMD IP Discovery and Compilation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When running your first test, all Xilinx IP's under `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/ip/cl_ip `__ are automatically compiled - You can find the ``xil_defaultlib`` library for each simulator in `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/ip_simulation_libraries/ `__ (created after first simulation run) If a design adds new IP's, make sure to add the new simulation libraries to ``COMMON_LIBLISTS`` in: - `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/verif/tb/scripts/ `__ (this is required for XSIM and Questa simulations). Simulation library names can be found under: - `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/ip/cl_ip/cl_ip.ip_user_files/sim_scripts `__ followed by ``//.sh`` All verification work is located under the `verif `__ directory. Please see the `Verification <#verification>`__ section for the CL_TEMPLATE verification details. STEP 4: Develop Software Tests (OPTIONAL) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CL_TEMPLATE does not yet support standalone software tests. Please refer to other examples such as `CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA `__ STEP 5: Build and Deploy the Design ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once design files have been added and tested, constraint and build script updates need to be made. The build flow creates a bitstream that is used to create an AFI to deploy on hardware. The build and deployment flows can be found in the `Quick Start Guide <./../../../README.html#getting-started>`__. Examples for all constraint files and build scripts can be found in other examples such as `CL_DRAM_HBM_DMA `__. 1. Populate existing and/or add new constraint files to `./build/constraints `__ - AWS has provided basic constraints required in example designs in `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/shell_stable/build/constraints `__ 2. Update `synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl `__ with: - Additional constraint files to be applied during a build - Additional tcl scripts to synthesize the design - Xilinx IP's utilized in the design - IP's used in AWS example designs can uncommented be in `synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl `__ and found under `$AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/common/ip/cl_ip `__ - If a design adds new IP's, make sure to add the new ``xci`` files to the build script `$CL_DIR/build/scripts/synth_CL_TEMPLATE.tcl `__ 3. Run ` `__. All defaults can be found by running `` --help`` .. code:: bash cd $AWS_FPGA_REPO_DIR/hdk/cl/examples/CL_TEMPLATE export CL_DIR=$(pwd) cd ${CL_DIR}/build/scripts ./ -c CL_TEMPLATE The start of the log will provide build details: .. code:: bash ================================================== Running CL builds ================================================== cl : cl_mem_perf mode : xdma_shell clock_recipe_a : A1 clock_recipe_b : B2 clock_recipe_c : C0 clock_recipe_hbm : H2 flow : BuildAll place_direct : SSI_ExtraTimingOpt phy_opt_direct : Explore route_direct : AggressiveExplore build_tag : None ================================================== vivado -mode batch -source build_all.tcl -log 04_06_2023-181511_build_all.log -tclargs SSI_ExtraTimingOpt Explore AggressiveExplore A1 B2 C0 H2 The build will create 4 new subdirectories under `./build `__: - ``src_post_encryption`` - encrypted design files - ``checkpoints`` - design checkpoints (``.dcp``) for each stage used by Vivado - ``reports`` - reports for each build stage - ``bitstreams`` - CustomLogic bitstreams used for AFI creation Builds with timing violations will have a suffix of ``_VIOLATED`` under the ``checkpoints`` directory. Details can be found under the ``reports`` directory. After a successful build, you can follow the AFI creation, loading, and testing instructions in the `Hardware Development Kit (HDK) top level document <./../../../README.html#build-accelerator-afi-using-hdk-design-flow>`__.