CL_MEM_PERF Custom Logic Example¶
⚠️ Features using XDMA engine are currently unsupported on F2 instances
Table of Content¶
The CL_MEM_PERF is a customer reference design for F2 where the objective is to demonstrate fine tuned data paths to HBM and DDR to achieve maximum throughput to the memories. The example also demonstrates datapath connectivity between Host, AWS Shell, Custom Logic (CL) region in the FPGA, HBM and DDR DIMM on the FPGA card. Following are the major highlights of CL_MEM_PERF design:
Datapath to 64GB DDR and 16GB HBM through Shell’s PCIS Interface. DDR and HBM memories in the FPGFA are accessible from the Host on PF0-BAR4, as well as from the DMA engine in the XDMA_SHELL. Both these accesses show up as AXI4 transaction on PCIS interface which ultimately reach the targeted memory.
Demonstrate the use of PCIM interface for applications where CL is the PCIe Requester to the Host. This can also be used to test peak PCIe transfer rates between Host and FPGA over PCIM interface.
Register access to various blocks through Shell’s OCL interface.
1KB BRAM accessible through Shell’s SDA interface.
Supports user defined interrupts generated by the CL.
Demonstrate Virtual JTAG using debug cores and AMD Integrated Logic Analyzers (ILA).
AXI4 Traffic Generators to test peak DDR4 performance.
HBM Performance Kernels to test peak HBM performance. This example shows how the micro-architecture to saturate all 32 Channels of HBM, achieve timing closure at 450MHz and achieve peak performance close to the theoretical number described in AMD/Xilinx HBM Userguide
Build scripts and constraints to create or manage pblock/placement and timing constraints.
Software runtime tests to exercise max performance to the HBM, and other tests to exercise DMA engine in the AWS Shell to perform data transfers between the Host and CL.
Overall, CL_MEM_PERF enables customers to quickly integrate their CL accelerator designs to interface with various memories on the FPGA and to use as reference to fine tune their CL performance.
Architecture Overview¶
Figure below shows an architectural overview of CL_MEM_PERF design:
All interfaces in this CL example are accessible from the Host on the PF/BARs as stated in the table below. Please See the PCIe Memory Map for more details on bar sizes, and AWS Shell Interface Specification for available interfaces between the Shell and the CL.
Interface |
PF |
0 |
0 |
XDMA BAR (not an interface between Shell/CL) |
0 |
2 |
0 |
4 |
Reserved for AWS |
1 |
0 |
Virtual JTAG |
1 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
Clocks and Reset¶
clk_main_a0 (250 MHz) from Shell for majority of the design except for HBM.
rst_main_n from Shell sync’d to clk_main_a0.
clk_hbm_ref (100 MHz) from Shell as reference clock for HBM IP.
HBM AXI3 interface is clocked by the 450MHz clock generated from the AWS_CLK_GEN IP. This IP also generates several other clocks to match with the clock recipes supported in F1. Please refer to the AWS_CLK_GEN specifiction for details on this block. The Clock Recipes User Guide describes various clock recipes available for F2 developers and options on configuring clocks dynamically. The user guide also describes porting of CL designs based on F1 clock recipes into F2.
NOTE: There is a SW control register at OCL offset 0x300 to reset only the HBM IP core. This reset register does not reset the whole CL_HBM_AXI4 block.
The CL_MEM_OCL_DEC module converts OCL 32-bit AXI-L Interface to simple config bus interface. It consists of an address decoder to access register space of various blocks. See OCL Address Space for available ranges.
The CL_PCIM_MSTR module is connected to the 512-bit AXI4 PCIM interface. It consists of AXI4 Traffic Generator capable of issuing Read/Write requests to the Host over the PCIe link. This block can also be used to test the peak PCIe transfer rates across the PCIe link.
While this block is essentially a traffic generator, CL designers could potentially swap this block with their custom Kernel that acts as a PCIe Requester to the Host Memory.
The PCIS is a 512-bit AXI4 interface from the Shell which can be accessed either by Host over PF0-BAR4, or by the XDMA engine in the AWS Shell. The PCIS interface is used in CL_MEM_PERF example to provide datapaths to the DDR and HBM memories in the FPGA. The address range to access DDR and HBM memories is described in PCIS Memory Address Space.
The CL_AXI_MSTR module is another simple AXI4 traffic generator whose traffic pattern and access length can be configured using the registers. The AXI4 interface from CL_AXI_MSTR and PCIS feed to CL_AXI_INTERCONNECT which ultimately connects to DDR and HBM based on the access address request.
There are two MUXes - one along the datapath to DDR, and another MUX along datapath to HBM. These MUXes default to connecting CL_AXI_INTERCONNECT’s path to the target memories. However, setting these MUXes enables traffic from the ATGs to the target memories. PCIS path to the target memories is disabled when the MUXes are enabled.
AWS provides
that houses the DDR4 Controller specifically configured to the DDR DIMM
on the FPGA Card. The SH_DDR is also connected to the Shell’s
sh_cl_ddr_stat_* ports to enable Shell to manage DDR calibration upon
CL AFI loads. The SH_DDR exposes an AXI4 512-bit interface for the CL
logic to perform Read/Write data transfers into DDR. Please refer to the
Supported DDR Modes for
details on supported DDR configurations in
F2 FPGA has on-chip HBM with a maximum capacity of 16GiB, accessible through 32 AXI3 Channels running at a maximum clock speed of up to 450MHz. CL designs should leverage all the available channels and aim for achieving timing closure of the interface at 450MHz to get the best possible performance out of HBM. HBM offers theoretical max bandwidth of 460GB/s when traffic is active across all the 32 Channels with 450MHz clock.
The CL_HBM_AXI4 module demonstrates an use case for HBM traffic as shown in the block diagram below:
CL_HBM_AXI4 exposes an AXI4 512-bit interface and two configuration interfaces clocked using the 250MHz clk_main_a0. The Host (PCIS) can access HBM through this AXI4 Interface. The AXI4 interface then connects to 512-to-256 bit width converter, clock crossing converters between clk_main_a0 and HBM’s AXI3 clock, and AXI4-to-AXI3 protocol converter to ultimately connect to HBM AXI Channel#0
The hbm_stat_bus is a simple config bus that connects to CL_HBM_WRAPPER and facilitates access to the Reset Register inside the CL_HBM_WRAPPER (mainly to reset HBM IP and check HBM read).
The hbm_kern_cfg_bus is a simple config bus to configure the HBM Performance Kernels (CL_HBM_PERF_KERNEL)
In addition to providing a datapath from PCIS to HBM, the CL_HBM_AXI4 block also instantiates CL_HBM_PERF_KERNEL which is designed to maximize the available bandwidth from HBM. It demonstrates the microarchitecture for Customer Kernels interfacing with HBM, supports multiple outstanding transactions in the queue across all 32 channels, with AXI3 interface running at 450MHz clock. This design provides clock domain crossing mechanism, performance measurement counters along with floorplan and timing constraints to achieve easier timing closure at 450 MHz.
CL_HBM_PERF_KERNEL consists of the following blocks:
CL_KERNEL_CTL: This is the main controller for the Kernel. It is responsible for posting write/read requests and track pending transactions. The block is capable of producing write and read requests in parallel to saturate all the channels of HBM. Keeping the channels active is key for maximizing the available HBM bandwidth and CL_KERNEL_CTL achieves that by arbitrating and issues multiple outstanding requests.
CL_KERNEL_REGS: Houses all the control and status registers including performance measurement counters.
CL_KERNEL_REQ: This block is instantiated inside CL_KERNEL_CTL and is mainly responsible to perform Clock Domain Crossing of read/write requests from clk_main_a0 to clk_hbm domain. This block is replicated to server each channel of the HBM.
CL_AXI_CTL: Contains the control logic and datapath required to serve the AXI3 read/write requests to the HBM core. This module accepts read/write requests from CL_KERNEL_REQ pipe and interface with HBM’s AXI3 interface. The entire block runs on clk_hbm domain. CL_AXI_CTL is replicated for each HBM channel. Note that, the AXI3 interface for channel#0 is muxed along with the AXI4 data path from the hbm_axi4_bus. Users should enable this mux such that the traffic from CL_AXI_CTL#0 drives into HBM Channel#0. Please see description for details.
While the data is produced/consumed locally in this specific design, customers will be able to leverage the microarchitecture by feeding the data to/from CL_KERNEL_REQ and interfacing it to their data producer/consumer logic.
The CL_HBM_WRAPPER block houses the main HBM IP configured in 16GiB capacity with 32- AXI3 Channels running at 450MHz clk_hbm clock.
The hbm_stats_bus config interface provides access to reset the MMCM and check if the HBM is ready. See registers in CL_HBM_AXI4 Register Address Space for details.
Please refer to CL_HBM_AXI4 Register Address Space for details on register address space and HBM memory address space.
The SDA interface is shared between two modules:
The CL_SDA_SLV module provides access to a 1KB BRAM through SDA 32-bit AXI-L Interface.
The AWS_CLK_GEN module generates all the required clocks for the design. Please refer to the AWS_CLK_GEN specifiction for details on this block. The Clock Recipes User Guide describes various clock recipes available for F2 developers and options on configuring clocks dynamically. The user guide also describes porting of CL designs based on F1 clock recipes into F2.
The CL_INT_SLV module
implements simple mechanism to trigger MSIX interrupts to the host over
sh_cl_apppf_irq_req/ack interface. SW can check the status of the
interrupt triggers and also configure the interrupt masks. The
routine in
demonstrates interrupts functionality.
Virtual JTAG¶
The CL_ILA instantiates the Debug Bridge IP required to support Virtual JTAG and the two example ILAs. One ILA snoops the PCIS bus, whereas second ILA snoops DDR-AXI4 bus.
Address Space¶
OCL Address Space¶
The OCL AXI-L is decoded into following address ranges for various design blocks:
Module |
OCL Start Address |
OCL End Address |
Description |
0x0000 |
0x00FF |
PCIM AXI4 Traffic Generator |
0x0100 |
0x01FF |
DDR AXI4 Traffic Generator |
0x0200 |
0x02FF |
HBM AXI4 Traffic Generator |
HBM Status |
0x0300 |
0x03FF |
Configure the CL_HBM_WRAPPER block |
HBM Status |
0x0300 |
0x03FF |
Configure the CL_HBM_WRAPPER block |
HBM Performance Kernels |
0x0500 |
0x05FF |
CL_AXI_MSTR block |
Clock Frequency Measurement |
0x0600 |
0x06FF |
CL_CLK_FREQ block |
Interrupt Generator |
0x0D00 |
0x0DFF |
CL_INT_SLV block |
PCIS Memory Address Space¶
Target Memory |
Start Address |
End Address |
Range |
0x00_0000_0000 |
64 GB |
0x10_0000_0000 |
0x13_FFFF_FFFF |
16 GB |
NOTE: Accessing memory beyond DDR and HBM’s range can potentially corrupt the data in either of the memories.
HBM Memory Address Space¶
HBM Memory Address Space is as shown in the HBM User Guide for 16GB capacity. Each CL_AXI_CTL instantiated in CL_HBM_PERG_KERNEL is mapped to serve the address range defined for each channel in the HBM user guide. For example:
Channel#0 | Start Address = 0x0000_0000 | End Address = 0x1FFF_FFFF
Channel#1 | Start Address = 0x2000_0000 | End Address = 0x3FFF_FFFF and so on…
CL_HBM_AXI4 Register Address Space¶
The table below describes the registers available in CL_HBM_AXI4 block. This includes registers inside CL_HBM_WRAPPER and CL_KERNEL_REGS:
OCL Address offset |
Register Name |
Bits |
Access |
Default Value |
Description |
0x300 |
31:3 |
RO |
0x0 |
Reserved |
2:1 |
RO |
0x0 |
0 |
RW |
0x0 |
1’b1 : Reset HBM IP |
0x400 |
31:1 |
RW |
0x0 |
Reserved |
0 |
RW |
0x0 |
1’b1 : Enable HBM Channel#0 MUX to drive AXI3 traffic from CL_AXI_CTL#0 to HBM. NOTE: This bit must be set in order to use CL_HBM_PERF_KERNEL |
0x404 |
31:0 |
RO |
0x20 |
Total number of HBM channels available for CL_HBM_PERF_KERNEL |
0x408 |
31:0 |
RO |
0x0 |
Number of outstanding transactions supported |
0x40C |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Select the Channel# to measure write and read latencies. This field is 0-based. Max Value = 31. |
0x410 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
AWLEN/ARLEN to use. This field is 0-based and the value will be used to drive axi_awlen and axi_arlen signals to HBM. |
0x414 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Initial 32-bit data pattern for writes |
0x418 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Start write transactions on each channel. Each bit corresponds to a HBM channel. bit[0] = Start write transfers on HBM Channel#0. bit[1] = Start write transfers on HBM Channel#1 … bit[31] = Start write transfers on HBM Channel#31 |
0x41C |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Start read transactions on each channel. Each bit corresponds to a HBM channel. bit[0] = Start read transfers on HBM Channel#0. bit[1] = Start read transfers on HBM Channel#1 … bit[31] = Start read transfers on HBM Channel#31 |
0x430 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Total number of write requests to HBM aggregated across all HBM channels. LSB 32 bits. SW write 0 to clear. |
0x434 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Total number of write requests to HBM aggregated across all HBM channels. MSB 32 bits. SW write 0 to WR_CYC_CNT_LO_REG to clear this reg. |
0x438 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Timer during which Write requests were in progress. LSB 32 bits. SW write 0 to clear. |
0x43C |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Timer during which Write requests were in progress. MSB 32 bits. SW write 0 to WR_TIMER_LO_REG to clear. |
0x440 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Measure latency between first AW request and B-response from HBM Channel specified in CHNL_SEL_REG |
0x444 |
31:0 |
RO |
0x0 |
Pending write requests in the queue. |
0x448 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
1’b1 : Bresp error from HBM Channel# corresponding to that bit. SW writes 0 to clear the bit |
0x450 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Total number of Read requests to HBM aggregated across all HBM channels. LSB 32 bits. SW write 0 to clear. |
0x454 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Total number of Read requests to HBM aggregated across all HBM channels. MSB 32 bits. SW write 0 to RD_CYC_CNT_LO_REG to clear this reg. |
0x458 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Timer during which Read requests were in progress. LSB 32 bits. SW write 0 to clear. |
0x45C |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Timer during which Read requests were in progress. MSB 32 bits. SW write 0 to RD_TIMER_LO_REG to clear. |
0x460 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
Measure latency between first AR request and R-last response from HBM Channel specified in CHNL_SEL_REG |
0x464 |
31:0 |
RO |
0x0 |
Pending Read requests in the queue. |
0x468 |
31:0 |
RW |
0x0 |
1’b1 : Rresp error from HBM Channel# corresponding to that bit. SW writes 0 to clear the bit |
SDA Memory Address Space¶
Target |
Start Address |
End Address |
Notes |
0x0000_0000 |
0x0004_FFFF |
1KB BRAM. Upper address rolls over. |
0x0050_0000 |
Please see more details on running simulations in this README
DMA accesses rely on the XDMA driver
The CL_MEM_PERF example includes runtime software to demonstrate working DMA accesses. The runtime example is located in the runtime directory
Following runtime tests are provided in the cl_mem_perf example:
This test runs traffic and measure HBM performance aggregated across all 32 HBM Channels.
This test runs a software test with data transfer with both DDR and HBM enabled
This test exercises all 32 HBM Channels using data transfers from HBM_PERF_KERNEL. Achieves 400+ GB/s of writes and read performance.
This test uses CL_CLK_FREQ to measure the clock frequencies from AWS_CLK_GEN block
This test uses AWS APIs to configure clock frequencies into AWS_CLK_GEN block
Compile and run instructions¶
cd $CL_DIR/software/runtime
make all
sudo ./test_dram_hbm_dma
This test runs a software test with HW/SW co-simulation enabled with both DDR and HBM enabled.
Compile and run instructions¶
cd $CL_DIR/software/runtime
make TEST=test_dram_hbm_dma_hwsw_cosim
sudo ./test_dram_hbm_dma_hwsw_cosim
The test can be simulated with XSIM as follows.
cd $CL_DIR/verif/scripts
make C_TEST=test_dram_hbm_dma_hwsw_cosim
HBM Performance Tests¶
A runtime test is provided to measure HBM performance aggregated across all 32 HBM Channels. The runtime test should be run on a real machine consisting of F2 FPGA loaded with CL_MEM_PERF bitstreams. The runtime test test_hbm_perf32.c exercises CL_HBM_PERF_KERNEL module to generate data across all 32 channels of the HBM running at 450MHz speeds. The test configures to run traffic across all 32 channels. There are config registers in CL_HBM_PERF_KERNEL that keep track of the number of write/read requests that were serviced and timers during which the CL_HBM_PERF_KERNEL was busy servicing the AXI3 Channels of HBM. The runtime test reads these transaction counters to compute the aggregate HBM performance across all the channels.
Instructions to run HBM Performance Test¶
Run the following commands to start the runtime test
cd $CL_DIR/software/runtime
make all
sudo ./test_hbm_perf32
Sample output:
Running test_hbm_perf32
slot_id = 0
cfg_axlen = 0x0000000f
cfg_wdata = 0x12345678
cfg_wr_ctl = 0xffffffff
cfg_rd_ctl = 0xffffffff
cfg_runtime = 0x0000001e
__INFO__: deassert_clk_resets()
__INFO__: initialize_hbm()
__INFO__: enable_hbm_kernl()
__INFO__: run_hbm_write_test() for 30s
__INFO__: run_hbm_read_test() for 30s
__INFO__: enable_hbm_kernl()
__INFO__: display_results()
__INFO__: -------------------------
__INFO__: Write Performance Results
__INFO__: -------------------------
__INFO__: calculate_perf()
__INFO__: WR CycCount = 0x00000005eaad0180
__INFO__: WR Timer = 0x00000001bf0a2c29
__INFO__: WR Latency = 172ns
__INFO__: WR Pending Txns = 0
__INFO__: WR RespError = 0x00000000
__INFO__: WR Bandwidth = 433.69 GBytes/s
__INFO__: -------------------------
__INFO__: Read Performance Results
__INFO__: -------------------------
__INFO__: calculate_perf()
__INFO__: RD CycCount = 0x00000005d0cad52f
__INFO__: RD Timer = 0x00000001bf0a8f0e
__INFO__: RD Latency = 280ns
__INFO__: RD Pending Txns = 0
__INFO__: RD RespError = 0x00000000
__INFO__: RD Bandwidth = 426.28 GBytes/s
2023-01-24T18:13:21.555468Z, test_dram_hbm_dma, INFO, test_hbm_perf32.c +152: main(): TEST PASSED