Amazon FPGA Image (AFI) Management Tools ======================================== AWS provides the following set of command-line tools for Amazon FPGA Image (AFI) management while running on an FPGA-enabled EC2 instance (e.g., F2). **The tools currently support Linux Instances only.** - **``fpga-describe-local-image-slots``** - Returns the FPGA image slot numbers and device mappings to use for the ``fpga-load-local-image``, ``fpga-clear-local-image``, and ``fpga-describe-local-image`` commands. - **``fpga-describe-local-image``** - Returns the status of the FPGA image for a specified FPGA image slot number. The *fpga-image-slot* parameter is an index that represents a given FPGA within an instance. Use ``fpga-describe-local-image-slots`` to return the available FPGA image slots for the instance. - **``fpga-load-local-image``** - Loads the specified FPGA image to the specified slot number, and returns the status of the command. The *fpga-image-slot* parameter is an index that represents a given FPGA within an instance. Use ``fpga-describe-local-image`` to return the FPGA image status, and ``fpga-describe-local-image-slots`` to return the available FPGA image slots for the instance. - **``fpga-clear-local-image``** - Clears the specified FPGA image slot, including FPGA internal and external memories that are used by the slot. The *fpga-image-slot* parameter is an index that represents a given FPGA within an instance. Use ``fpga-describe-local-image`` to return the FPGA image status, and ``fpga-describe-local-image-slots`` to return the available FPGA image slots for the instance. - **``fpga-start-virtual-jtag``** - Starts a Virtual JTAG XVC server, to debug tools like Vivado Lab Edition Hardware Manager to access debug cores inside the AFI. Please refer to `Virtual JTAG userguide <../../../hdk/docs/Virtual_JTAG_XVC.html>`__. - **``fpga-get-virtual-led``** - Returns a bit-map representing the state (1/0) the Virtual LEDs exposed by the Custom Logic (CL) part of the AFI. - **``fpga-get-virtual-dip-switch``** - Returns a bit-map representing the current setting for the Virtual DIP Switches that drives the Custom Logic (CL) part of the AFI. - **``fpga-set-virtual-dip-switch``** - Takes bit-map (in binary representation) to set for the Virtual DIP Switches that drives the Custom Logic (CL) part of the AFI. - **``fpga-describe-clkgen``** - Returns the currently loaded frequencies in MHz for each clock in each MMCM. The *fpga-image-slot* parameter is an index that represents a given FPGA within an instance. If the design loaded onto the FPGA does not have the clkgen IP, error clkgen-ip-not-found will be returned. - **``fpga-load-clkgen-dynamic``** - Loads a frequency into the first clock of each specified MMCMs. MMCMs that are not specified will be set to the default recipes. Returns the currently loaded frequencies in MHz for each clock in each MMCM. The *fpga-image-slot* parameter is an index that represents a given FPGA within an instance. If the design loaded onto the FPGA does not have the clkgen IP, error clkgen-ip-not-found will be returned. - **``fpga-load-clkgen-recipe``** - Loads a clkgen recipe into the specified clocking groups. MMCMs that are not specified will be set to the default recipes. Returns the currently loaded frequencies in MHz for each clock in each MMCM. The *fpga-image-slot* parameter is an index that represents a given FPGA within an instance. If the design loaded onto the FPGA does not have the clkgen IP, error clkgen-ip-not-found will be returned. All of the AFI Management Tools support a ``-help`` option that may be used to display the full set of options. ``sudo`` or ``root`` Privileges ------------------------------- The tools require sudo or root access rights since AFI loads and clears modify the underlying system hardware (also see the FAQ section "Q: How do the AFI Management Tools work?". Installs or Updates to the AFI Management Tools ----------------------------------------------- The tools can be downloaded and installed from AWS SDK/HDK GitHub repository `aws-fpga `__, as follows: .. code:: bash git clone cd aws-fpga source The ```` script will build the AFI Management Tools and install them in ``/usr/bin``. Quickstart ---------- Once you have the AFI Management Tools installed on your F2 instance, you can display the FPGA slot numbers and PCIe mappings for driver attachment (e.g., PCI Domain:Bus:Device:Function). Getting Inventory of the Available FPGA Slots ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: bash sudo fpga-describe-local-image-slots -H ... Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 0 0x1d0f 0x9048 0000:9f:00.0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 1 0x1d0f 0x9048 0000:a1:00.0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 2 0x1d0f 0x9048 0000:a3:00.0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 3 0x1d0f 0x9048 0000:a5:00.0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 4 0x1d0f 0x9048 0000:ae:00.0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 5 0x1d0f 0x9048 0000:b0:00.0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 6 0x1d0f 0x9048 0000:b2:00.0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 7 0x1d0f 0x9048 0000:b4:00.0 - The above list displayed the slots in an F2.48xl instance that has 8 FPGAs on slot 0 through 7. - The VendorId is the PCIe Configuration space Vendor ID, with 0x1d0f representing the Amazon registered PCIe Vendor ID. The developer can choose the Vendor ID for their own AFIs. - The DeviceId is the PCIe Configuration space Device ID, with 0x9048 being the default. - The DBDF is the common PCIe bus topology representing the Domain:Bus#:Device#:Function#. \*\* NOTE: \*\* *While each FPGA has more than one PCIe Physical Function, the AFI Management Tools will present the VendorId and DeviceId of the first PF only*. Describing the AFI Content Loaded on a Specific FPGA Slot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following command displays the current state for the given FPGA slot number. The output shows that the FPGA in the “cleared” state right after instance create. .. code:: bash sudo fpga-describe-local-image -S 0 -H ... Type FpgaImageSlot FpgaImageId StatusName StatusCode ErrorName ErrorCode ShVersion AFI 0 No AFI cleared 1 ok 0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 0 0x1d0f 0x9048 0000:34:00.0 Synchronous AFI Load and Clear Operations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Synchronously Loading an AFI to a Specific FPGA Slot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To load the AFI, use the FPGA slot number and Amazon Global FPGA Image ID parameters (see FAQ for AGFI). In synchronous mode, this command will wait for the AFI to transition to the "loaded" state, perform a PCI device remove and rescan in order to expose the unique AFI Vendor and Device Id, and display the final state for the given FPGA slot number. .. code:: bash sudo fpga-load-local-image -S 0 -I agfi-0fedcba9876543210 -H ... Type FpgaImageSlot FpgaImageId StatusName StatusCode ErrorName ErrorCode ShVersion AFI 0 agfi-0fedcba9876543210 loaded 0 ok 0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 0 0x6789 0x1d50 0000:34:00.0 Synchronously Clearing the FPGA Image on Specific Slot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following command will clear the FPGA image, including internal and external memories. In synchronous mode, this command will wait for the AFI to transition to the "cleared" state, perform a PCI device remove and rescan in order to expose the default AFI Vendor and Device Id, and display the final state for the given FPGA slot number. .. code:: bash sudo fpga-clear-local-image -S 0 -H ... Type FpgaImageSlot FpgaImageId StatusName StatusCode ErrorName ErrorCode ShVersion AFI 0 No AFI cleared 1 ok 0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 0 0x1d0f 0x9048 0000:34:00.0 Asynchronous AFI Load and Clear Operations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Asynchronously Loading an AFI to a Specific FPGA Slot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To load the AFI, use the FPGA slot number and Amazon Global FPGA Image ID parameters (see FAQ for AGFI). The "-A" is used for asynchronous AFI load operations. .. code:: bash sudo fpga-load-local-image -S 0 -I agfi-0fedcba9876543210 -A Describing the AFI content loaded on a specific FPGA slot after an asynchronous AFI load ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Displays the current state for the given FPGA slot number. The output shows the FPGA in the “loaded” state after the FPGA image "load" operation. **The "-R" option performs a PCI device remove and rescan in order to expose the unique AFI Vendor and Device Id.** .. code:: bash sudo fpga-describe-local-image -S 0 -R -H ... Type FpgaImageSlot FpgaImageId StatusName StatusCode ErrorName ErrorCode ShVersion AFI 0 agfi-0fedcba9876543210 loaded 0 ok 0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 0 0x6789 0x1d50 0000:34:00.0 Asynchronously Clearing the FPGA Image on Specific Slot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following command will clear the FPGA image, including internal and external memories. The "-A" is used for asynchronous AFI clear operations. .. code:: bash sudo fpga-clear-local-image -S 0 -A Describing the AFI content loaded on a specific FPGA slot after an asynchronous AFI clear ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following command displays the current state for the given FPGA slot number. It shows that the FPGA is in the “cleared” state after the FPGA image "clear" operation. **The "-R" option performs a PCI device remove and rescan in order to expose the default AFI Vendor and Device Id.** .. code:: bash sudo fpga-describe-local-image -S 0 -R -H ... Type FpgaImageSlot FpgaImageId StatusName StatusCode ErrorName ErrorCode ShVersion AFI 0 No AFI cleared 1 ok 0 Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF AFIDEVICE 0 0x1d0f 0x9048 0000:34:00.0 FAQ --- - **Q: What is the Amazon Global FPGA Image ID (AGFI)?** - The AGFI is an AWS **globally** unique identifier that is used to reference a specific Amazon FPGA Image (AFI). - It is used to refer to a specific AFI when using the FPGA Management tools from within an EC2 instance. - In the examples, ``agfi-0fedcba9876543210`` is specified in the ``fpga-load-local-image`` command in order to load a specific AFI into the given ``fpga-image-slot``. - AGFI IDs should not be confused with AFI IDs. The latter are **regional** IDs that are used to refer to a specific AFI when using the AWS EC2 APIs to create or manage and AFI. For example, when copying an AFI across regions, it will preserve the same AGFI ID, but get a new regional AFI ID. - **Q: What is a ``fpga-image-slot``?** - The fpga-image-slot is an index that represents a given FPGA within an instance. Use ``fpga-describe-local-image-slots`` to return the available FPGA image slots for the instance. - **Q: What are the Vendor and Device IDs listed in the ``fpga-describe-local-image-slots`` and ``fpga-describe-local-image`` output?** - The VendorId and DeviceId represent the unique identifiers for a PCI device as seen in the PCI Configuration Header Space. These identifiers are typically used by device drivers to know which devices to attach to. The identifiers are assigned by PCI-SIG. You can use Amazon's default DeviceId, or use your own during the ``CreateFpgaImage`` EC2 API. - **Q: What is a DBDF?** - A DBDF is simply an acronym for Domain:Bus:Device.Function (also see PF). - **Q: What is a PF?** - A PF refers to a PCI Physical Function that is exposed by the FPGA hardware. For example, it is accessible by a user-space programs via the sysfs filesystem in the path ``/sys/bus/pci/devices/Domain:Bus:Device.Function``. The ``Domain:Bus:Device.Function`` syntax is the same as returned from ``lspci`` program output. Examples: **FPGA application PF** ``0000:34:00.0``, **FPGA management PF** ``0000:34:00.1``. - **Q: What is a BAR?** - A PCI Base Address Register (BAR) specifies the memory region where FPGA memory space may be accessed by an external entity (like the instance CPU or other FPGAs). Multiple BARs may be supported by a given PCI device. In this FAQ section (also see PF), BAR0 from a device may be accessed (for example) by opening and memory mapping the resource0 sysfs file in the path ``/sys/bus/pci/devices/Domain:Bus:Device.Function/resource0``. Once BAR0 has been memory mapped, the BAR0 registers may be accessed through a pointer to the memory mapped region (refer to the open and mmap system calls). - **Q: What is the AFIDEVICE and how is it used?** - Within the ``fpga-describe-local-image-slots`` and ``fpga-describe-local-image`` commands the AFIDEVICE represents the PCI PF that is used to communicate with the AFI. The AFIDEVICE functionality exposed through the PF is dependent on the AFI that is loaded via the ``fpga-load-local-image`` command. For example, DMA and/or memory-mapped IO (MMIO) may be supported depending on the loaded AFI, which is then used to communicate with the AFI in order to perform an accelerated application-dependent task within the FPGA. User-space applications may access the AFIDEVICE PF through sysfs as is noted above in this FAQ section (also see PF). - **Q: How do the AFI Management Tools work?** - Within the F2 instance, the FPGAs expose a management PF (e.g. ``0000:34:00.1``) that is used for control channel communication between the instance and AWS. - The FPGA management PF BAR0 is **reserved** for this communication path. - The FPGA application drivers **should not** access the FPGA management PF BAR0. - The AFI Management Tools memory map the FPGA management PF BAR0 and communicate with AWS using internally defined messages and hardware registers. - The Amazon FPGA Image Tools require ``sudo`` or ``root`` access level since AFI loads and clears are modifying the underlying system hardware. - ``sudo`` or ``root`` privilege is also required since the tools access the sysfs PCI subsystem and ``/dev/kmsg`` for ``dmesg`` logging. - **Q: Can the AFI Management Tools work concurently on multiple FPGA image slots?** - The tools can be executed on multiple FPGAs concurrently. This may be done without synchronization between processes that are using the tools. - **Q: Can the AFI Management Tools work concurrently from multiple processes on the same FPGA?** - Without synchronization between processes, the tools should only be executed as one worker process per FPGA (highest level of concurrency), or one worker process across all FPGAs (least level of concurrency). - Multiple concurrent process access to the tools using the same FPGA without proper synchronization between processes will cause response timeouts, and other indeterminate results. - **Q: What is an afi-power-violation?** - The F2 system can only reliably provide a certain amount of power to the FPGA. If an AFI consumes more than this amount of power, the F2 system will disable the input clocks to the AFI. For more information on preventing, detecting, and recovering from this state, see AFI power guide (COMING SOON) - **Q: How can I reset the AFI?** - The AFI may be reset (reloaded) via fpga-load-local-image, and/or reset back to a fully clean slate via ``fpga-clear-local-image`` and ``fpga-load-local-image``. References ---------- - AWS FPGA SDK/HDK on github `aws-fpga `__ AWS EC2 References ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `AWS EC2 Getting Started `__ - `AWS EC2 Instance Types `__ - `AWS EC2 User Guide `__ - `AWS EC2 Networking and Security `__ - `AWS EC2 Key Pairs `__ - `AWS EC2 Attach EBS Volume `__ - `AWS EC2 Troubleshooting `__