Enabling on-premises development with Xilinx tools ================================================== This document helps developers who choose to develop on-premises with specifying and licensing AWS-compatible Xilinx tools for use with the AWS FPGA HDK. .. _requirements-for-aws-hdk-20241: Requirements for AWS HDK (2024.1) --------------------------------- - Xilinx Vivado ML Enterprise Edition v2024.1 - Floating License: ``EF-VIVADO-ENTER-FL`` - Node locked License: ``EF-VIVADO-ENTER-NL`` - `URL <https://www.xilinx.com/member/forms/download/xef.html?filename=FPGAs_AdaptiveSoCs_Unified_2024.1_0522_2023.tar.gz>`__ - MD5 SUM Value: ``372c0b184e32001137424e395823de3c`` Licensing Details ----------------- - On-Premises customers may need a new or updated license - New users will need to obtain a Vivado ML Enterprise license. This can be purchased via the AMD website `Vivado License Link <https://www.amd.com/en/products/software/adaptive-socs-and-fpgas/vivado/vivado-buy.html>`__ - The correct ordering number for the Node-locked is EF-VIVADO-ENTER-NL and Floating is EF-VIVADO-ENTER-FL - Please send a request to xilinx_security_app@amd.com to have the encryption license added to your existing one - You can confirm you are using the correct license for this product by ensuring you have the following in Xilinx License Manager: - EncryptedWriter_v2 - Analyzer - Synthesis - Implementation - HLS - SDK - Partial Reconfiguration - Simulation