SDE CL Example Simulation ========================= Table of Contents ----------------- - `SDE CL Example Simulation <#sde-cl-example-simulation>`__ - `Table of Contents <#table-of-contents>`__ - `Overview <#overview>`__ - `Dump Waves <#dump-waves>`__ Overview -------- This readme provides information about the simulation environment for the ``cl_sde`` example. For more details about overall HDK simulation environment and CL bringup in simulation please refer to `RTL Simulation Guide for HDK Design Flow <../../../../docs/RTL_Simulation_Guide_for_HDK_Design_Flow.html>`__. The system verilog simulation tests can be run from the ``$CL_DIR/verif/scripts/`` directory with all supported simulators. You can run each test by setting ``TEST=\``. .. code:: bash cd aws-fpga source cd hdk/cl/examples/cl_sde export CL_DIR=$(pwd) cd ${CL_DIR}/verif/scripts Run the tests .. code:: bash make TEST=test_simple_h2c (Runs with XSIM by default) make TEST=test_simple_c2h (Runs with XSIM by default) make TEST=test_simple_h2c VCS=1 make TEST=test_simple_c2h VCS=1 make TEST=test_simple_h2c QUESTA=1 make TEST=test_simple_c2h QUESTA=1 Dump Waves ---------- For information about how to dump waves with XSIM or VCS, please refer to `debugging-custom-logic-using-the-aws-hdk <../../../../docs/RTL_Simulation_Guide_for_HDK_Design_Flow.html#debugging-custom-logic-using-the-aws-hdk>`__